The mobile field bakery, also known as a field bakery trailer, is a mobile and agile unit used for baking various types of bread in emergency situations and in military, tourist, and pilgrimage areas. Mashhad Baking Industries is the sole manufacturer of mobile and field bakeries in Iran.

10-year after-sales service
SKU: MBI MFB Category:

The mobile field bakery is a mobile and agile unit that includes a uniquely designed set of bread-baking machinery and equipment. This equipment, along with facilities and tools, are combined to enable the baking of various types of bread. The design of the field bakery is such that it provides high-quality bread production with minimal space requirements and is easily transportable to all areas.

Due to its agile transportability, high resistance, low wear and tear, and compliance with defense requirements in the design and construction of the mobile field bakery, this unit can be used in military areas, during maneuvers and operations, as well as in serving organizations such as the Red Crescent, crisis management headquarters, the Red Cross, and in relief and rescue operations during emergencies or crises, and also in remote areas. Other applications of the field bakery include providing bread for group trips and tourist and pilgrimage areas that face high volumes of travelers during specific periods. The mobile field bakery is also known as a "field bakery" or "bakery trailer" among its users.

Structure of the Mobile Field Bakery Trailer

The mobile field bakery has a main structure with openable walls. These walls make access to the machinery and interior space very easy and efficient. To start working, simply open the trailer walls to quickly prepare the necessary space for baking and bread preparation operations. The trailer structure includes a set of machinery and equipment, including a bread-baking machine and tools related to the baking process, which are arranged inside the system in a principled and practical way with a unique design. This equipment varies depending on the type of bread produced and is optimized to meet the needs of each type of bread. The portable rotary oven and tunnel oven are two models of bakery machines that are commonly placed in the mobile field bakery. These bakery machines enable the production of various traditional Iranian breads. The chassis and floor of the mobile field bakery trailer are made of 2 and 3 mm thick steel to ensure high resistance and strength in various conditions.

نانوایی صحرایی سیار
قابلیت اتصال ریموک به کشنده

Easy Transport of the Mobile Field Bakery

The mobile field bakery is equipped with four wheels and can be towed by various light and heavy towing vehicles. This feature allows for easy transfer to various areas, including remote areas or difficult conditions. Flexibility in transport makes the trailer an ideal solution for providing bread in emergency, military, and tourist situations.

شرکت بین المللی صنایع پخت مشهد

We are proud to announce that Mashhad Baking Industries, by offering its field bakery trailers, is ready to serve organizations such as crisis headquarters in governorates, district offices, and military areas. The bakery trailer helps these esteemed organizations to provide services to people at risk during times of crisis and necessity.

Optimal Performance of the Mobile Field Bakery in Various Weather Conditions

The field bakery is equipped with an awning made of canvas, which is designed to protect the devices and equipment from rain and sun. This awning helps the trailer operate optimally in various weather conditions and prevents potential damage to equipment from natural elements.


Mobile Field Bakery Equipment

Flour storage rack

Work table for preparation and shaping

Dough mixer

Dough resting trough

And other specific equipment as required by the customer

Mobile Field Bakery Ancillary Equipment

Powder fire extinguisher

CO2 fire extinguisher


Stainless steel water tank

Diesel tank, first aid kit

Tool bag, lighting system

Waterproof tent, gas and electric burner

Features of the Mobile Field Bakery

  • Easy transportation and movement in all areas
  • Agile, resistant, low-wear system
  • Ability to bake various traditional breads
  • Suitable for use in emergencies, military, pilgrimage, and tourist areas
  • Multi-purpose fuel capability
  • Ability to work in various weather conditions
  • Unique placement in a unified set

Applications of the Mobile Field Bakery

  • In emergencies such as earthquakes, floods, etc.
  • Temporary shelters
  • Tourist and pilgrimage areas
  • Caravans and tour groups
  • Villages and remote areas

Mobile Field Bakery Operation Video

Frequently Asked Questions about the Mobile Field Bakery

The mobile field bakery can be equipped with various types of baking machines that are selected based on customer needs. In general, it is possible to bake various traditional breads, including Lavash, Barbari, and Taftoon.

Military organizations and agencies, in emergencies such as earthquakes, floods, etc., as well as temporary shelters, tourist and pilgrimage areas, caravans and tour groups, villages, and remote areas.

The field bakery is equipped with four wheels and can be connected to various types of towing vehicles.

Field bakery, mobile bakery, bakery trailer.

Installation and setup of the field bakery are performed free of charge by experienced technicians from Mashhad Baking Industries.

One-year warranty – Lifetime after-sales service.

Mobile Field Bakery Price

The field bakery is a fully customized product with varying prices depending on the required specifications, features, and capabilities. For more information regarding the mobile field bakery and to learn about the price of the field bakery, you can contact our experts at the large Mashhad Baking Industries complex through the following communication methods.

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We are ready to assist you.

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Factory: Km 22, Asian Highway, Beginning of Mohammadabad Qaem-Maqam Road, Mashhad


Head Office: No. 579, Between Bahar 12 and 14, Melikushara Bahar Street, Mashhad

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